
How Energy Storage is Used Around the World

Michelle Heath
How Energy Storage is Used Around the World

Battery storage refers to the capture of energy produced at any one time for use at another time. Devices that store energy are known as accumulators or batteries for storage.

There are a wide variety of energy storage systems available to manage power supply and create a more resilient, energy infrastructure.  These energy storage systems are categorized as mechanical, electrochemical, chemical, electrical or thermal.

Behind-the-meter (BTM) – describes energy storage systems (like solar) that provide power to a home or building without needing the utility.

Grid-scale – refers to large generation facilities that feed into the power grid (coal, gas, renewable energy with storage, geothermal).

Global energy storage capacity doubled between 2017 and 2018 to 8 GWh. 2019 experienced the first downward swing in a decade which is attributed to the need for rules and regulations around storage deployment and use.

Pumped hydro storage makes up 96.2% of the worldwide storage capacity. 

The growth of battery storage globally requires a clear understanding of what services and applications it can provide and to what markets, well-defined regulations and stable policy environments with guidelines on ownership provisions.


CAES = compressed air energy storage

GW = gigawatt

La = lead-acid

Li-ion = lithium-ion

LFP = lithium iron phosphate

LMO = lithium manganese oxide

LTO = lithium titanate

MW = megawatt

NaNiCl = sodium nickel chloride flow battery

NaS = sodium sulphur

NCA = nickel cobalt aluminium

NMC = nickel manganese cobalt

PHS = pumped hydro storage

SNG = synthetic natural gas

VRFB = vanadium redox flow battery

VRLA = valve-regulated lead-acid

W/L = Watts per litre

Wh/L = Watt hours per litre

ZBFB = zinc bromine flow battery


Behind-the-meter (BTM) – describes energy storage systems (like solar) that provide power to a home or building without needing the utility

Grid-scale – refers to large generation facilities that feed into the power grid (coal, gas, renewable energy with storage, geothermal)






